
Unlock your child's

Math Potential With Bhanzu

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Why ChooseBhanzu?

Build strong math foundations, learn the how and whys of every concept.

Learn record breaking math techniques by the World’s Fastest Human Calculator

Get personalised class assessment to identify weaknesses

24 X 7 AI-powered doubt solver to leave no gaps in learning

Ultimate and personalised practice questions on Brain Gym

Expert tutors trained by World’s Fastest Human Calculator

Trusted By30,000+ Parents

Real Stories of Success and Transformation



"Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash Is To Math,
What Usain Bolt Is To Running"


Course Curated By

Neelakantha Bhanu

World’s Fastest Human Calculator


"I have created this course after 5+ years of research with the aim of helping kids overcome their fear of maths and perform well in the subject.

At Bhanzu, we have transformed learning for 30,000+ students and now I want to help your child get the best math learning experience."

Bhanu became the World's Fastest Human Calculator at 15, breaking records held by Scott Flansburg and Shakuntala Devi. He won gold at the 2020 "Mental Calculation World Championship" in London. Bhanzu, his brainchild, offers a comprehensive math curriculum developed with his expertise and supported by an expert R&D team.
4 World Records
4 World Records
Gold Medallist MSO
Gold Medallist MSO
50 Limca Book of Records
50 Limca Book of Records
5 TED Talks
5 TED Talks
bhanu picture
bhanu picture
Customer Support:


13-1-229, 2nd floor, BSP Colony, Moti Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 500018

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