Course Syllabus

Introduction to Chess and Square Identification

Introduction to the chessboard and its coordinates.

55 mins

Piece Movement

Explanation and demonstration of how each type of piece moves.

55 mins

Basic Rules of Chess

Explanation of basic rules including check, checkmate, and stalemate.

55 mins

Opening Principles

Introduction to the opening phase of a chess game. Discussion on the importance of center control, development, and king safety.

55 mins

Middlegame Principles

Introduction to the middlegame phase, focusing on basic tactics and strategy.

55 mins

Endgame Principles

Introduction to the endgame phase & Basic discussion on king and pawn endings.

55 mins

Playing a Complete Game

Students play complete games against each other, applying the principles learned.

55 mins

Revision and Practice

Revision of key concepts learned throughout the course.

55 mins

Revision and Practice 2

Revision of key concepts learned throughout the course.

55 mins

In-Class Tournament Preparation

Rules and etiquette of tournament play.

55 mins

In-Class Tournament

Organized in-class tournament for students to apply what they’ve learned in a competitive setting.

55 mins

Analysis of In-Class Tournament

A few games from the tournament will be analysed.

55 mins